Sunday, April 27, 2008

***"Wow"! A Bill Cadger Photo-Op- For Al B., Class Of 1964

"Wow"! A Bill Cadger Photo-Op- For Al B., Class Of 1964
Originally posted in August 2008 on Classmates.

Al Johnson, Class Of 1964, comment:

This entry relates to an on-going run of commentaries about Bill Cadger the great track runner and the fight to get him into the North Quincy High Sports Hall of Fame (See The Matter of Bill Cadger-Runner and Once Again, On Bill Cadger, April 25 and April 26, 2008). The photo is located on the Class of 1964 Member Page over at the Classmates site.

Apparently being Bill Cadger's friend since the 'dog days' of Snug Harbor Elementary School down in the Germantown "projects" is not enough. Recently, strictly as a sign of that friendship, I argued the merits of his case for entry into the North Quincy High School Sports Hall of Fame on Classmates (see The Matter of Bill Cadger-Runner and Once Again on Bill Cadger on this Message Board). Now it seems that I am to be his eternal "flak", you know, "press agent", "spin doctor", "gofer" or "stooge". Isn't there some kind of constitutional provision against indentured servitude? Here is why I ask that question.

I feel 'duty-bound' to announce the latest 'newsworthy note' about the fleet-footed runner from the Class of 1964. Bill has upgraded his photograph on his profile page on this site. Earlier this year he had placed his Commonwealth of Massachusetts driver's license here for your inspection (For those who did not get a chance to see the picture I have not made this up. I really don't have that kind of imagination.). As one would expect of such a photo Bill, of course, looked like he had just finished a long stretch in Cedar Junction (Walpole, for those who have been out of the area for a while). Christ, those ID photos make the Madonna look like an axe murderess. What did he expect?

In any case Mr. Cadger has rectified that situation with a new downloaded photo on his profile page. To get a glimpse just go to the Class of 1964 Member List and click on Charles Cadger. Why Charles? I will refer you to Dr. Freud for an answer to that question. As to the photo itself and his pose, there is a method to the madness. Bill insists that one and all should know that he is no longer that slender strider of 135 pounds. For comparison purposes for those who still have their 1964 "Manet" a look at Bill's full profile on page 63 will tell the tale. He mentioned, in his usual dry manner, that now people who know that he was on the track team will think that he was a shot-putter. In short, a person not to be messed around with. That got a chuckle from my "significant other" Cindy and me. Enough said, though. What is next, a video on "YouTube"?

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