Wednesday, September 1, 2010

**On The Nature Of Love-For Karen Richardson (and her bicycle boy), Quincy High School Class of 1964

On The Nature Of Love-For Karen Richardson (and her bicycle boy), Quincy High School Class of 1964 (Ya, I know, cross-town rivalries, and never the twain shall meet and all of that, but we will call a truce, an armed truce, for this one, okay).

I want to speak of love. No, not the coquettish, coy, cream puff, arch, Shakespearean wordplay, rhymed couplet, sonnet love (or whoever really wrote the things, I suspect Kit Marlowe, but we will leave that little academic pursuit for another time). Mere pretty words. Neither shall I speak of rarified, sense and sensibility-driven, ethereal Robert Browning bon mots to one Ms. (formerly Miss) Elizabeth Barrett. Mere Victorian claptrap. Nor will I utter one word of the mock-heroic, blood-drenched deeds done in the name of love, the love of the face that launched a thousand ships, Helen of Troy. Humankind has had more than its fair share of such epic, red earth-bleeding battles, although not always done to satisfy lust for a woman. And you should blush, you really should, if you expect me to hype roses sent, candies ordered, and fine dinners (with wines even) purchased as tokens of love.

Today I wish to speak of love. Simple, coming-of-age-love, plebeian love, but love that will now transcend all the noisy clamor of the above sentiments. Hear me out, it will not take long. Actually, the details are minimal. Snug Harbor Elementary School down in Germantown classmate, Karen Richardson, related in this space that in the old days she had a boyfriend, unnamed, but let’s call him bicycle boy because a bicycle figures into the story. This lad lived in Braintree. Fair enough. Somehow, and the details really don’t matter, there was a conflict, a mother conflict I presume, and it was necessary for the pair to meet clandestinely. And here is where the thing turns epic. In order to see his beloved he biked from Braintree to Weymouth. Not just any part of Weymouth though but the part directly across from Germantown by the Fore River Bridge. And from there he swam, swam through the tide shifts and eddies, swam through the freighter-brought fetid, oil-slicked waves, swam as if his very life depended on it, to meet his love on the other side beach. More importantly, after their rendezvous he had to swim back across that treacherous channel.

Know this. When someone speaks pretty sonnet love words dismiss him or her out of hand. When someone speaks of heavenly love cast a jaded eye his or her way. When someone offers to die, and gladly, for battle love laugh in his or her face. And if someone tries to piece you off with some tasty tidbits or fragrant smells start walking the other way. For now, and for cyberspace eternity, you have heard the siren song of real love

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